Spotlight on new arrivals

3 new employees at ATLANSTAT: Linda, Ouloni and Kevin have just joined the ATLANSTAT team. Let’s introduce them and find out about their jobs and missions.

Linda - Atlanstat

Linda, Business Development Assistant

Why Atlanstat?

“I had the opportunity to work at Atlanstat 12 years ago… Then I left to pursue other professional horizons.
And it was by chance that I saw Nadine again 😊 She told me about the business assistant position that was available.

Having fond memories of this company, where there’s a friendly atmosphere and you feel good, I didn’t hesitate!”

What does your job involve?

  • Administrative tasks relating to calls for tender
  • Taking part in presentations via Teams
  • Sales prospecting using CRM tools such as Salesforce
  • Helping to develop the business strategy

Welcome Linda !

Ouloni - Atlanstat

Ouloni, Clinical Research Associate

Why Atlanstat?

“Atlanstat is a CRO on a human scale with a real team spirit, which is what prompted me to join the company.

I was warmly welcomed into my department and I know that I can count on my colleagues at any time. There’s a really good understanding between the staff, which makes communication easier. I’m delighted to have joined the company 😊 ”

What does your job involve?

  • On-site monitoring (=quality control) of the data collected and entered into the study CRF.
  • Writing reports on monitoring visits and reporting to the sponsors of the studies for which I am in charge.
  • Checking compliance with the protocol and current regulations on clinical trials.
  • Communicating with the investigating centres.
  • Managing study documentation (maintenance and creation of TMF and SMF).

Welcome Ouloni !

Kevin - Atlanstat

Kevin, Data Scientist/Biostatistician

Why Atlanstat ?

“After working in Paris in the energy sector, I wanted to discover the world of Biostatistics and return to the Nantes/Brittany area”.

What was your objective in changing sectors ?

“After developing statistical modelling in Python and R, my challenge was to apply my expertise to the innovative field of clinical research. Thanks to Atlanstat, I’m able to flourish in my new environment.”

Welcome KĂ©vin !

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